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5 Tips for Fantasy Writers

The key to writing successful fantasy lies not just in creating worlds of wonder but in making them believable and relatable to the real-world reader. Check out these top 5 tips for fantasy writers!

1. Believable Unbelievability: Bridging the Gap

To truly captivate your readers, you must invite them to believe the unbelievable, not merely accept it. Infuse your magical realms with elements that resonate with human emotions and struggles. Whether it's characters grappling with power dynamics, seeking revenge, battling ambitions, or navigating the delicate dance between love and hate, grounding your narrative in relatable themes will elevate your storytelling to new heights. After all, the best fantasies are those that mirror the intricacies of the human experience.

2. Navigating the Magic Spectrum: Restrictions vs. Limitlessness

Magic and superpowers are the beating heart of any fantasy world, but the key lies in how you wield them. Establish clear rules governing the use of magic in your universe. This will give your work depth and coherence. It will also ensure that your story has clear tension between aspiration and limitation.

fantasy magic

3. Exploring the Real in the Unreal: High Fantasy vs. Low Fantasy

Do you know what type of fantasy you're writing? High fantasy transports readers to epic worlds filled with grand quests, mythical creatures, and overarching battles of good versus evil, while low fantasy keeps one foot rooted in the familiar, often intertwining magical elements with our mundane reality. Understanding this duality will guide you in shaping the tone, scope and themes of your story.

4. Crafting Compelling Characters: The Heroes and Villains of Fantastical Realms

At the heart of every gripping fantasy tale are its characters – the heroes who embark on perilous journeys, the villains who lurk in the shadows, and the allies who provide light in the darkness. Infuse your characters with depth, flaws, and virtues, making them resonate with readers on a profound level.

5. Mastering the Art of World-Building: From Setting to Society

No fantasy tale is complete without a richly developed world that breathes life into your narrative. From the sprawling landscapes to the intricate societal structures, the flora and fauna to the historical tapestries, every facet of your world must be meticulously crafted. Immerse readers in the sights, sounds, and scents of your universe, fostering a sense of awe and wonder that lingers long after the final page is turned.

Are you a fantasy writer? Check out our Intro to Fantasy Course!

Happy writing and let us know how you get on!


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